Sunday Oct 08, 2023

Interview With Alexander Koch - Former FIFA PR Manager and Spokesperson

In this week’s episode, things are a little different as we are lucky to have an interview with Alexander Koch. Alex Koch was a FIFA employee for 16 years as a Public Relations Manager and a Spokesperson for the Federation. We were lucky enough to get Alex’s insights and his experiences while working through his time at the company including FIFA has a governing body for the sport, the corruption that happened during 2015, and insights on more such as recent events at FIFA and the footballing world as we know.


The Artful Nutmeg is the newest project by a couple of friends who share a deep love for soccer. This show explores the deeper world of soccer by examining some of the greatest stories and the lesser-known moments that have shaped the game. This podcast requires no prior knowledge of the game. Instead, this is a chance to build up appreciation for the game, its history, and the people who play for the love of it.


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Music by Hot_Music from Pixabay

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